Monday, October 2, 2017

29 Sept 2017

Conference Weekend

Hey Dad,

So I knew josh was working at the spark because he started when I was working.  But I didn't know jordan was working there now.  I'm glad he did though, its a good job.  The language is coming along pretty well, I talk to brazillians every night to try to learn and it's a lot of fun.  It's only frustrating whenever you're trying to teach and you can't figure out how to say something important.  But I have 2 more weeks to figure that out.  Um, I took some pictures but my camera died recently so I need to go out and buy an outlet or some batteries or something.  I'll figure it out.  Love ya, BYEE!

Hey mum,

I'm going a little crazy for right now but I'm getting more used to things.  The street contacting went well, I understand people for the most part.  But I think I could understand them a lot better now since I have another week under my belt.  Thor is coming home now?  I was thinking about him the other day was like dang he's been out for what seems like forever.  Also wow! A belle dress?  I'm sure alani will love it and want to wear it everyday until it falls apart.  Regarding Bentonville and Fayeteville, that just tells me they are both junk this year.  Fayetteville is just more so.  And I won't be able to watch the women's session.  We're watching the priesthood session the same time the sisters are watching the priesthood session.  I'll try to find it when I'm out in the field though.  Anyway that's all for me, Love ya, BYEE!

Elder Keliiliki

With the District at the Temple

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