Saturday, October 14, 2017

6 Oct 2017


Hey dad,

I'm glad we're getting closer to figuring out house stuff.  I know it's super stressful for you guys.  But yeah, the MTC is getting to me.  I want to get out so bad.  Oh well, only 1 and a half more weeks.  Also I agree 100%, I do not like friday p day.  It throws me off so bad and it doesn't have very many good perks.  The language is starting to plateau, I was progressing really well but I've hit a hump and so I asked my instructors to start going hard on me so hopefully that'll boost the learning process again.  I can't really think of much else to say.  So love ya! BYEE!

Hey mum,

General conference was so good for me.  I learned so much out of this one.  This one seemed to be a lot about hanging in there and like you said having faith, hope, and charity.  My favorite talk was Elder Holland's.  But only because of one quote, "We are a fallen people."  It struck me so hard and made me realize how great of an opportunity it is now to be a missionary and try to get this people out of this fallen state.  I'm glad that grandpa daddy is going to get the care that he needs and hopefully mama gets figured out.  What do you want to do?  Also that is really sad, Auntie Margie was the best.  Oh well, she'll be going to a better place and the plan of salvation is real so we'll see her again.  Yay for finishing the belle dress.  Now it's time to pull the rest of your hair out with the blessing dress.  I wanna see a picture of the belle dress if that's ok.  Also why do you do that to yourself.  Iron man again?  You're crazy, I hope you're at least enjoying it.  Exercise and sleep?  Not enough.  "represent?" yes, but not with portugese.  Without a phone has been really easy, we're really busy and I love talking to the brazillians so I'm doing A ok.  Best experience this week was probably Elder Hales funeral.  We just barely watched it and it was really humbling and super sweet.  It was great.   The most challenging was the entire week.  It was a long week, but it's over and it's time to start anew.  I miss you guys but not enough to come home.  Love you!  BYEE!

Elder Keliiliki

Oh also another thing, the bikes... well traffic here in general is in insane.  But the bikes especially.  They sorta just encroach into a lane until people make space and then the bikes just swerve in between cars and lanes all the time.  Quite the sight to see to and from the temple.  Speaking of which, the temples wood is amazing, I have no idea what kind but it's so dark and I heard some story about how the church was able to buy just enough for cheap.  I'm not sure but you can look it up and find the story

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