Monday, March 18, 2019

18 March 2019


Alihi and his companion had a baptism this past week. Here name is Laticia (sp) and she is 10yrs old.

Monday, March 4, 2019

03 March 2019

Wihi forwarded an email he received from one of his investigators:

Queridos filhos, bom dia!

Esperamos que estejam bem e como sentimos essa transferência. A saudade é muito forte, mas sabemos que vocês estão nessa por um bem maior.

Seguem fotos e também um anexo com nosso convite de casamento e batismo. Oro e sonho com a presença de vocês nesses dias.

Agradecemos ao Pai Celestial ter colocado os únicos Elders que conseguiram mudar nossas vidas. Enviamos todo nosso amor para vocês!

Rafa, Ny e Samuca.  


Dear children, good morning!

We hope you are well and feel this transference. Longing is very strong, but we know that you are in it for a greater good.

Following are photos and also an attachment with our wedding invitation and baptism. I pray and dream of your presence these days.

We thank Heavenly Father for placing the only Elders who have managed to change our lives. We send all our love to you !

Rafa, Ny, and Samuca

Wedding Rings

At the Visitor's Center
At the Temple
Elder Bartschi, Ny, Rafa, Elder Keliiliki
(L to R) Rafa, Samuca, Ny, Elder Keliiliki, Elder Bartschi
Playing Basketball

Sunday, February 24, 2019

24 Feb 2019

Hi Keliiliki family!

We were able to have your son over for dinner tonight and we are all a little sad that he might be transferred tomorrow along with Elder Bartschi.  I wanted to tell you though that your son is such an enthusiastic and dedicated missionary and he has been such a blessing to our ward and also such a great example to our children.  We are really going to miss him! Thank you for raising such a great, hard working son who loves the Gospel! ❤

Michelle and the Menden family

Wihi, Elder Bartschi, Menden Family

Monday, February 11, 2019

11 Feb 2019

Olá família,

I'm happy to hear that all is well over there and that everything is settling a little bit.  I definitely need new pants.  I am running on two pairs currently, and I honestly don't trust brazilian quality so I'm kinda in a dilemma.  I have made an account in the brazilian mail system and it was only 15 reais for processing so it looks like we could be ok.  Apparently it helps a lot to put pictures of mary on the box.  They don't seem to get taxed as much, or at least that's what my comp says.  Anyway, all fines and whatnot should be pretty chill now.

I am honestly not really into this whole Zone Leader thing.  I don't know, I kind of just want to worry about myself and work.  But oh well, I hear once you get the calling you kind of stay there sooooo it looks like I'll have to get used to it.

This week was pretty good to us.  We had baptism and his name is Kaike, who is 14 and not 7.  He was a reference from one of the other boys that was baptized a little while ago.  Not gonna lie, these boys that we have baptized really test your patience but at the same time they sometimes are very helpful.  Besides that, our high counselor who is responsible for missionary work in the stake, of which we are zone leaders, has thrown a lot on our plate to do for these upcoming transfers.  If all goes well the work will progress a lot but a lot of execution has to be done.  So pray for us so that we can get these ideas and goals accomplished.  Besides that, it's been a pretty standard week of working and grinding.  Luckily P-day comes around once a week to give us a basketball break and just have fun for a little bit.  Anyway, that's really I've got from this time around.  Love you guys!!

Elder Keliiliki

Wihi with the Shermans (Missionary Couple)

4 Feb 2019

Hey Family,

Well first things first I kind of really wish that I was there with everyone.  I'm glad everyone got to see each other again though and that everyone got home safely.  Thank you for the photos as well, it was nice to see everyone.

This week we unfortunately didn't get a baptism.  The "8 year old boy" that we were teaching ended up being 7.  He was going to be the last of the family to be baptized as well, but we'll just have to wait until October.  We almost witnessed a miracle as our baptism fell through though, we ran around all of Saturday to everyone we knew that could potentially be baptized.  We then found Alan who is 19 and also the last of his family to be baptized.  We all went to the visitor's center and we taught him and he accepted to be baptized, if...  God saved his brother.  We were super confused and he explained that his brother had depression.  We told him at least 20 different reasons why he needed to focus more on himself but that his heart was in the right place but he wouldn't budge.  He had his baptismal interview and passed and everything.  Just not the baptism.  But he'll be baptized soon enough.

Besides that it has been extraordinarily hot here.  It's been around low hundreds here and we were definitely feeling the heat.  Hopefully it cools down soon or someone's gonna pass out.  Also, still not a big fan of this whole zone leader life.

That's about it for me though.  Love you guys and hope things go well there.

Elder Keliiliki

Wihi and Elder Bartschi

Monday, January 28, 2019

28 Jan 2019

Hey Guys

I'm [saddened] to hear that Mama passed away.  Fortunately for her though the journey is over.  Based on what I know she had a rough past few years.  I'm also sad that I won't be able to be there with everyone, but that's ok I guess.  I hope all goes well or at least as well as it can go.

This week was another good one.  We always take our investigators to the Visitor's center that was built here and they always love it.  They have a really great video about families that talks a lot about temples and the plan of salvation, we'll be going again today so I look forward to the video.  The visitor's center is so helpful with the missionary work.  With the interactive lessons, explanations about everything and the Christus... it's great.

We baptized again this week but I still didn't manage to get the pictures of any of them yet but I'll keep working on it.  The package go here but I haven't been able to get it yet.  Because of another fee... We'll see how much it is this time.

Anyway, that's about it from me.  I love you guys and have a good week!

Elder Keliiliki

Monday, January 21, 2019

21 Jan 2019

Hey parents,

I wish we had the same weather right about now.  We've been running around in the high 90's low 100's this whole week.  I'm not really digging this whole Zone Leader thing though.  It's just a lot more than I ever wanted to do.  Also the visitors center here opened up and all the sisters are working there so we have to help our sisters get things all figured out and all that jazz.  So it's been a little crazy but luckily not too crazy.

We have had another baptism and have another ready to go for next week already.  Finally there is some fruit from the labor.  The leadership is all really pleased with Elder Bartschi and me so it looks like we'll be getting some back up from the church as well.  So in short, things are just swell.

So dad asked about my companion.  His name is Blake Bartschi and he pretty much [played] everything.  But he'll be going to Weber State on a [football] scholarship.  He lived in Idaho and also went to a school in Idaho.  I don't remember the name of the high school.  He reminds me a lot of Hekili, pretty intense and hard working.  He has a really good work ethic and we get a lot done.

But I hope all is well with you guys and that everything goes smoothly with everyone.  Love you guys, BYEE!!

Elder Keliiliki

Great day for a baptism

Baptism day

Baptism day

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

14 Jan 2019

Inverno Feliz

We baptized again this Sunday who was actually one of my first investigators on my mission.  So I'm glad I'm back!  Also I am now Zone leader, this time of 8 sisters and 6 elders.  So things are getting exciting now.  I also went to a sealing of members I baptized the first time around as well.   Besides that I don't really know what to say.  I'm doing well and we're working well together.  Hope you guys have a good week!

Elder Keliiliki

With Elder Bartschi and Grahl family
Out to lunch with the Grahls

Monday, January 7, 2019

07 Jan 2019


So, first off my companion.  His name is Elder Bartschi and he played sports in high school.  He has 3 transfers left on his mission and we seem to work well together.  We had a baptism today so next week I'll send photos.  He's a hard worker and I think we'll have a lot of success together and not a lot of drama.

WIhi with new companion Elder Bartschi and Brother Sherman

Our baptism today was actually with an investigator that I found over a year ago.  So I was pretty surprised to see her not baptized but also happy that I got to baptize her.

We have a visitor's center opening next to the temple on the 20th.  I think the work will really progress and we'll receive a lot of the benefits of having a visitors center because we're really close to the temple.

I think that's about it for me this time around.  Talk to you guys next week!

Elder Keliiliki

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

17 Dec 2019

Christmas in Brazil is HOT!

Well first off, it looks like I'll be calling the 24th sooo hopefully everyone gets in when I call.  But if needs be, I might be able to arrange a way to call everyone on the 25th, but don't count on it.  In other news, I have ripped three different pairs of pants and have had them fixed up.  But I don't think that they'll be able to live for much longer...  So if possible, please send more or some money to buy some here.  They don't really have the quality that they have in the US but you know, I'm a missionary.  But if you do buy some please buy some 34 instead of 32.  Because, apparently all this walking is making my legs, as they say in cool streets, super swole.  So yeah, the gray pants have gotten pretty tight.

Christmas Eve with members

Now about the mission!  I stayed in Nova Granada and these past couple weeks have been pretty rough.  I'm seeing all my hard work with my other companion slipping through my fingers and that made me pretty upset.  But we are getting better workwise.  Maybe we'll have a baptism this week.  Speaking of which, the investigator's name is Fernanda.  We already taught everything but she didn't want to get baptized yet so because she said that she didn't receive an answer to her prayers about baptism.  She continued along like this for a  few weeks and I was getting frustrated.  Until FINALLY, The spirit told me what she needed to hear.  Which was that she has already received so many answers to her prayers and that now was her time to act.  Later she gave the closing prayer and said that that's exactly what she needed to hear and she started changing a lot and progressing again.  So, in short, there are times when we need to depend on the Lord and times when he tells us to act.  Oh yeah, my old companion went to Macedonia in the Stake Campo LImpo.  It's on the other side of the mission.

Being district leader is also an adventure.  Especially for 4 sisters.  But it could be worse.  I get a little annoyed at the lack of organization amongst my zone and how I was I left with my district.  I asked the sisters how the old district leader did things so that I could just grab the same structure and run with it but alas there was none.  So I'm going to have to figure out some kind of schedule for them to expect calls and whatnot.  I was thinking lately, why does president trust me so much with 4 sisters that are not obedient and an Elder that needs a reboot on his entire misssion. Like what? I would be the last person I would've chosen to do this.  But you know, time to grow and learn.

So, why did I email on Wednesday?  Because we had our mission christmas party!  I played basketball and volleyball and unfortunately had to tune everything down due to the lack of experience of others.  But it was still fun.  It was also REALLY HOTTT. When I was done playing my clothes were completely drenched.  It has also been really hot here.  There is noone on the streets to talk to.  So yeah the Christmas season is also pretty slow for us.

Anyway, I hope all goes well with the family gathering.  I realized recently that I'll be spending 3 Christmases on the mission.  Not everyone can say that, nor would they really want to...

Love you guys!

Elder Keliiliki

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

12 Dec 2018


Well, I have some news I guess.  I am now a district leader, not only a district leader but a district leaders of 4 sisters and my companion.  So that kind of surprised me to get that call.   Also I got a new companion who has been having trouble on the mission.  As in he's, as we say on the mission, thrown.  Which means that he's already done working and watches movies and all that jazz.  But in good news, I got him to work this week AND he did his first 10 contacts in who knows how long.  He plays "Magic: The Gathering" as well so I'm thankful for the little time I had playing so that we could get along since the beginning of our companionship.  Good companionships always makes the work easier. I think that was the problem that he was having before.  We are indeed doing the light the world and we have been thankfully finding weekly service projects that we do for the members.  But besides that we just have these little pass along cards that we give to everyone we see.  Also I had a little scare this week.  I started of this week with a stomach ache that was INTENSE!!  I went half the day working but then I told my companion that I needed to see a doctor.  We called president to tell him but he didn't answer so we worked and after our appointments that ended at 7 I came home and died.  As in slept... alot.  I woke up somehow when the sisters called and I grabbed their numbers and passed them on to zone leaders and went to bed.  The next day I had a pounding headache which is more normal so I worked like normal.  Then the following day I thought I was dying for real.  I start having pains right where my heart was and my left shoulder starting hurting.  I couldn't breathe really well and so I was like, "Well, this is the most righteous I'll ever be in my life soooo if I die now that's the best chance I've got to make it into the celestial kingdom."  But thankfully I woke up the next morning and the pain was gone.  Probably just stress.

But yes, the mission is starting to become a little more interesting.  Unfortunately our momentum was stunted due to the transfer but we'll quickly regain that.  But boy, sisters talk for a long time.  The nightly checkup literally takes all night.  From the moment I get home to the moment I go to sleep I have to solve problems and then hear their stories and it's a little exhausting.  But they are really cool sisters as well so it could be worse.

It seems like all the big things happen when I'm on the mission.  I wish I were there but at the same time the mission is aight.  I hope everything turns out alright for Mama as well as Joelle and that the kids grow up well and won't forget me.

I unfortunately don't know the sams club that is here.  Unlike Arkansas they are very very very rare here.  But they have one in "O centro do Osasco"  but I have next to no time to do figure things out so I'll leave that you figure that out.

Anyway, please pray extra hard for me!  I'm running 150% right now because I've only ever known how to train and I'm starting to feel the repurcussions.  So until I get accustomed to the getting my companion excited, investigators prepared to be baptized, and being a district leader of only sisters I need your guys' help!  love you guys!

Elder Keliiliki

Wihi with companion