Monday, October 29, 2018

29 Oct 2018

Hey Fam

Well this is going to be a shorter email.  Because all but 2 appointments fell through this week and to top it off both Elder Ward and I got the flu.  So there wasn't a whole lot to talk about this week.  But I did almost get attacked by a dog.  It was night and we were walking to an appointment that didn't fall through and a dog was hiding in the shadows.  I didn't see him and he jumped straight at me and luckily only his nose hit my arm and he didn't manage to get his teeth into me.  Also luckily, he was on a chain so he couldn't go after me after I showed my masculinity and fleed with a yelp.

Anyway, yeah that's it.  Love you guys.  Hopefully there is something more interesting to tell you guys the next time around.

Elder Keliiliki

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