Monday, January 15, 2018

08 Jan 2018

The best part of my week was when we got a bunch of investigators in one day. It was a really good day. The worst thing that happened was that on saturday our schedule was FULL! Literally every hour we had an appointment and every single one of them fell through. Then the Sunday noone came to church with us. So that was frustrating. Something I'm working is doing street contacts, I'm still insecure with the language and it's just something scary for me still. But it's getting better. As for what I accomplished, one more transfer. My patience has grown a bit I thing but not too much. I still get really frustrated with everything but I think that's normal. I'll give you one more thing that I'm really nervous about, I'm going to be a trainer. Just barely got done being trained and now I have to train... I'm kinda freaking out but oh well. Nephi 3:7 will need to come through these next two transfers.

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