Monday, February 11, 2019

11 Feb 2019

Olá família,

I'm happy to hear that all is well over there and that everything is settling a little bit.  I definitely need new pants.  I am running on two pairs currently, and I honestly don't trust brazilian quality so I'm kinda in a dilemma.  I have made an account in the brazilian mail system and it was only 15 reais for processing so it looks like we could be ok.  Apparently it helps a lot to put pictures of mary on the box.  They don't seem to get taxed as much, or at least that's what my comp says.  Anyway, all fines and whatnot should be pretty chill now.

I am honestly not really into this whole Zone Leader thing.  I don't know, I kind of just want to worry about myself and work.  But oh well, I hear once you get the calling you kind of stay there sooooo it looks like I'll have to get used to it.

This week was pretty good to us.  We had baptism and his name is Kaike, who is 14 and not 7.  He was a reference from one of the other boys that was baptized a little while ago.  Not gonna lie, these boys that we have baptized really test your patience but at the same time they sometimes are very helpful.  Besides that, our high counselor who is responsible for missionary work in the stake, of which we are zone leaders, has thrown a lot on our plate to do for these upcoming transfers.  If all goes well the work will progress a lot but a lot of execution has to be done.  So pray for us so that we can get these ideas and goals accomplished.  Besides that, it's been a pretty standard week of working and grinding.  Luckily P-day comes around once a week to give us a basketball break and just have fun for a little bit.  Anyway, that's really I've got from this time around.  Love you guys!!

Elder Keliiliki

Wihi with the Shermans (Missionary Couple)

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