Monday, January 7, 2019

07 Jan 2019


So, first off my companion.  His name is Elder Bartschi and he played sports in high school.  He has 3 transfers left on his mission and we seem to work well together.  We had a baptism today so next week I'll send photos.  He's a hard worker and I think we'll have a lot of success together and not a lot of drama.

WIhi with new companion Elder Bartschi and Brother Sherman

Our baptism today was actually with an investigator that I found over a year ago.  So I was pretty surprised to see her not baptized but also happy that I got to baptize her.

We have a visitor's center opening next to the temple on the 20th.  I think the work will really progress and we'll receive a lot of the benefits of having a visitors center because we're really close to the temple.

I think that's about it for me this time around.  Talk to you guys next week!

Elder Keliiliki

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