Tuesday, November 6, 2018

06 Nov 2018

Sup fam

Okey dokey, well first off this is coming in a day late because we went to the temple today and so our P-day was switched to today. Anyway this week was an interesting one.  First we went to hike the BIGGEST MOUNTAIN IN SÃO PAULO!  Which means it was about 3/4 of the Y.  But it was super fun, it reminded me of Hawaii and we saw a monkey.  We fed him too, I know we weren't supposed to but the temptation was just too great.  I filmed the experience and will pass it on next week because I don't have the video on me.  Afterwards was a week of struggle again until saturday where we finally hit a groove.  Now we look to be baptizing a few investigators this month but I don't want to jynx us so I'll stop there.  So yeah that was our week!  Love you guys and sorry this wasn't super detailed.  I have very little time this week.

Elder Keliiliki

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