Monday, October 1, 2018

01 Oct 2018

Another week has passed

This week has been interesting.  Training an american has proven to be a challenge because I want to speak portuguese but explaining things in english just makes things so much easier!  So I may or may not [be] impeding on his progress with portuguese.  It doesn't help that he never talks to me in portuguese either but whatever.  The area being huge has proven to be a challenge, we walk about an hour to get to lunch then another hour to get to an appointment and then we another hour to a different appointment and then we have to do language study and training.  So needless to say our time for actual work is short.

The ward is super cool, they help a lot and all that jazz.  We had three members bring someone to church so I'm in this area now.  Our investigators seem to only be able to meet once a week which means the progress is slow but I'm fine with that as long as it is steady.

For now, I think that's all.  I probably forgot so sorry about that.  Maybe next week will be better.  See ya Fam!

Elder Keliiliki

This is my district, the rare district where we have more sisters than elders

Here is yet another picture of the city(I'm sorry, it's like all we've got)

And here we have a Viela (Alley)

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