Wednesday, September 6, 2017

05 Sept 2017


Hey guys I'm here. So first things first my P-day is on Friday and I won't email this Friday but the next so this is my email for the week.  So yeah, so far so good.  I don't really know what to say so I'll just tell you how traveling and the MTC is.  

So with traveling everything went smoothly and I met a few other missionaries going to the MTC.  Luckily the flight to Brazil was pretty empty so I got a row to myself. The MTC is pretty great so far too, they told us everything we needed to know and now we're on our way.  

My companions are Elder Laine and Elder Gabel.  They're cool based off what I can tell.  Also, we aren't allowed to take pictures until we leave the MTC because they say it'll crash the system, which is fine because I haven't taken any pictures yet.  Let me know what you want to see or what you want me to tell you about.  That's pretty much it for me! I love you guys, and look forward to emailing you guys next time about all my MTC experiences. 


Last photo before heading to the airport.

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