Tuesday, November 21, 2017

21 Nov 2017

Received a text from the Mendens. An expat family from Arizona who are living in Sao Paulo for work. They had Alihi and his companion over for dinner.

Among other things they said "...just want to share that he and his companion are really great missionaries and your son seems really happy and is doing really great with Portuguese...We probably confused your son with our English because he already seems comfortable with Portuguese..."

With Sydney and Max Menden
Alihi also wrote:

"...Brazil celebrates thanksgiving but missionaries don't so I'll be doing the same thing I've been doing...This week was a little long, yesterday was a holiday so Pday is today.  We still aren't seeing much progress but things are getting better and I can understand and speak more so that helps."

Friday, November 10, 2017

07 Nov 2017

I think I'm a missionary now!

We didn't hear from Alihi until Tuesday, because he went to the temple on their regular P-day, so they "traded" days...

So this week was fun, I think I've checked pretty much everything a missionary has to go through on a mission already.  Here's my list:

-Dog peed on my shoe through a gate
-Walked through the pouring rain for a couple hours
-Got rejected by an investigator that was progressing
-Multiple ocassions I embarassed myself with my portuguese
-Lost all of our investigators

Things I need to do:
-Be robbed or shot

But hey, I'm serving a mission and that's what matters.  No honestly the mission is good.  I'm still trying to get used to the language and get used to being really tired and hungry all the time.  I also think that I need to do a better job with remembering what happened in days past.  It all just blurs so I forget.  Anyway in good news we picked up 16 new investigators and about half of them are progressing.  So now we have a total of 16 investigators.  I think that's pretty much about it from my week, I'll try to do a better job next time.  Cião! Amo vocês!

Elder Keliiliki